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Frequently asked questions

The FAIME database profiles experts operating regionally and
internationally from a range of areas of expertise

Santo Antônio Dam, Morro do Ouro Mine near Paracatu, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Samarco Mine, Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Antamina Tailings Dam in the Ancash Region of Peru


Córrego do Feijão Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Mount Polley Mine, British Columbia, Canada


Pit Mine, Butte, Montana, United States of America


Are the experts listed in the FAIME database publicly shared/accessible?

No. By being profiled in the database, experts make themselves available to organizations that support Indigenous communities and other mining-affected communities, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. Access to information on experts will be exclusively available to FAIME staff members and the national and international public-interest organizations that have signed the Collaborative Operational Agreement (COA) and have joined the project as partners.

Which experts can join the FAIME database? How are experts selected?

The FAIME database profiles experts operating regionally and internationally from a range of areas of expertise. The experts profiled in FAIME have recognized expertise in disciplines directly related to mining, and/or have considerable experience providing expert support to mining-affected communities. Experts may be invited to join the database by partnering organizations that have worked with or recommended them, or may express interest in being profiled in the database by filling out the Expert Registration Form. All expressions of interest will be assessed for suitability for the database by the FAIME Management Committee.

We accept experts who are at any stage in their careers to apply to join FAIME. This includes retired and semi-retired experts. Many of our retired experts have previously worked for industry clients and are now able to assist mining-affected communities as independent consultants with decades of experience.

What kind of services can experts provide to Indigenous and other mining-affected communities?

FAIME experts have diverse educational and professional backgrounds, allowing them to offer specialized support to mining-affected communities. Their expertise includes advisory services, policy and technical reviews, assessments, and more. If communities, governments or organizations wish to hire an expert to serve as an “expert witness” in a court setting, it is their own responsibility to determine whether the expert is qualified and willing to do so. Whether or not someone qualifies as an “expert witness” will depend on the specific details of the issue being litigated, and the requirements of the jurisdiction in which the legal procedure is taking place.

What does ‘Independent Experts’ mean in the context of FAIME?

By "independent" we mean credible, competent, and trustworthy individuals who can provide objective, consistent, and transparent services, and who are accountable to community and non-industry clients. FAIME experts are committed to the vision, mission, and values of the FAIME database. They work with respect for community and Indigenous Knowledge to assist governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as communities and Indigenous Peoples in addressing new and existing mining projects and policies affecting their territories and well-being, including supporting communities in giving or withholding their consent. FAIME experts are committed to placing public safety, environmental protection, and community social and economic enhancement ahead of personal and corporate profit.

In the expert application form, experts are asked to what extent their yearly income relies on mining industry clients. An expert demonstrates a high level of independence when they disclose that their yearly income does not currently rely on mining industry clients or service providers in any significant way. Independence is also demonstrated when an expert discloses that they do not currently work for a mining company or mining industry service provider. If an expert does disclose any ties to the mining industry, then upon being invited to work with a community/non-industry client, independence can be demonstrated through the fact that they do not work or consult for the specific mining company(s) associated with the project they will be consulting on.

In some cases, expert consultants who do earn a significant portion of their income from mining industry clients may be accepted into the database if they have been referred by a trusted source or if they have collaborated successfully with FAIME partners in the past and have demonstrated their capacity to work in the interest of community/non-industry clients. Experts listed in the FAIME database commit to disclosing any mining industry-related clients they have had in recent years so that organizations and communities using the database can make informed decisions about who they wish to hire.

Are the experts in FAIME paid or available on a pro bono basis?

FAIME wasn’t developed to provide access to pro bono experts, although some experts may accept to offer pro bono work. By being profiled in the database, experts will be making themselves available to be hired and provide services to governmental, non-governmental, and/or Indigenous organizations that support communities. Once FAIME has connected an expert with an interested client, they will be determining their own contract terms with this client. FAIME does not interfere in contract terms, nor does it charge any fees. Its primary goal is to facilitate contact among experts, governmental and public interest organizations, and communities seeking expertise on a broad range of environmental, social, economic and policy issues around mining.

Who can be on the FAIME Advisory Committee (FAC)? What are their roles and responsibilities?

The FAC is composed of representatives from the international public-interest organizations that have signed the Collaborative Operational Agreement (COA). In order to reflect fair representation and the diversity FAIME’s database users and beneficiaries, the FAC will invite additional individuals and organizations to sit on the FAC. The primary role of FAC is to act as an advisory body to help further the mission, vision, and values ofthe FAIME database, to improve access, expand the number of experts, and promote the FAIME database.

Who can be on the FAIME Management Committee (FMC)? What are their roles and responsibilities?

The FAIME Management Committee (FMC) is composed of individuals appointed by the FAC for a 3-year term. FMC oversees the development and management of the FAIME database. On a yearly basis, the FMC meets with the FAIME Advisory Committee (FAC) to report on the work accomplished and to discuss the following year’s work plan and budget.

Can the FAIME database be used for other sectors?

The database has been developed specifically for the mining sector, but if the experts have the appropriate experience to support other sectors there is nothing in the operation of the FAIME database that prevents experts from assisting organizations that work across other sectors.

Is FAIME pro or anti mining?

FAIME does not take a stance on being pro or anti mining, but does prioritize community-led decision making to address new and existing mining projects and policies affecting communities’ territories and wellbeing. FAIME addresses the specific challenge of a lack of access to credible, competent, and trustworthy experts to complement local knowledge with relevant scientific, economic, legal, social, and policy analysis and advice. This includes supporting communities to give or withhold their consent.

Is FAIME structured to assist new professionals in their respective field(s) of interest to become experts?

FAIME wasn’t structured to assist individuals to develop their expertise but there are other initiatives that we have been in discussions with that are contemplating how to support capacity development within the sector. FAIME is one of the many tools that are needed to support and grow the sector in support of organizations and affected communities.

What security measures are in place to secure the FAIME database?

Secure web-based platforms will be used to collect and manage all of the experts’ identification and professional information (the “Information”), including Webflow ( for the initial collection and temporary storage of the Information, and Airtable ( for the storage and management of all Information until such time that the database ceases to exist or until the experts listed in the database decide to exit the database. No information is permitted to be stored outside of the above-mentioned platforms. The web-based platforms store information in SOC 2 accredited data centers (Service Organization Control 2 developed by the American Institute of CPAs) that adhere to security and technical best practices and ensure that user logins are protected via TLS encryption (Transport Layer Security). Information collected will be accessed exclusively by FAIME staff or project partners that have signed the Collaborative Operational Agreement (COA), on an as-needed basis. It is required that, before any computer system, electronic device or electronic media featuring information collected specific to experts for the FAIME database is disposed, recycled or transferred either as surplus property or to another user, it be sanitized of Information or properly destroyed, in accordance with protocols outlined in national privacy regulations. The participation of the experts in the FAIME database is voluntary and experts may exit the database at any time. Experts listed in the database will be notified of any changes to use of Information.
Supporting communities across the globe
FAIME works with global partners to support mining-affected communities across the world
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